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Brass Tacks & Pelotons

As creative professionals, we are often asked about our inspirations and the kind of work we like to do. At Getz Creative, our approach is best addressed with the analogies of Brass Tacks and Pelotons.

The traditional agency model has existed successfully for many years, serving “big clients” who have “deep pockets”. As digital production and internet marketing have become more attainable and affordable, many agencies have opted to disguise costs and continue billing clients as if the industry has not experienced a major shift. Getz Creative is dedicated to getting straight to the point with clear strategies and costs - right down to the brass tacks. With clear costs and billing, we seek to create more efficient campaigns and client confidence in what they are receiving. 

If you’ve ever seen a group of cyclists riding together, you might notice they’ll often form a tight pack, called a peloton.  As each rider takes a short turn at the front of the pack, they break the wind and lighten the load for each rider behind them. While each cyclist knows their individual strengths, they can also agree that riding together and taking turns in the front allows them to travel further and faster than they could on their own. Our agency is committed to being a good neighbor, maintaining positive relationships and results for both our clients and our competitors. If Getz Creative is not the agency for you or your project, we have the professional connections necessary and will assist you in finding the best solution, even if that means recommending another company. If you have any questions about how or where to get started, please feel free to contact us.

If you'd like to learn more about the people behind our agency, click here.

You can also apply to join the Getz Creative team.

Philosophy: About


Each day, we seek to do the following:

  • Produce the kind of work we like, enthusiastically

  • Produce in a way that makes us and our client feel good about the work

  • Defend the work/strategy, with evidence AND communicate this effectively

  • Keep it simple

  • Tell great stories

Philosophy: About
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